Invisalign: The Clear Alternative to Braces

Treatment Summary Invisalign Teen Overview

Invisalign Teen uses clear aligners that are virtually invisible, meaning others may not even notice you’re getting treatment. Especially for some teenagers who have stress from the idea of wearing traditional braces, this can be the perfect solution. Clear aligners should be removed for eating, drinking, and brushing your teeth. With active teenagers in mind, this means you can also remove them during band, sports, and other special occasions. There are NO metal brackets or wires that could irritate your mouth or break, and aligners are trimmed based on your gum line for comfort and overall appearance.

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Invisalign gradually moves your teeth with a series of clear, removable, custom-made aligners. Patients typically wear each set of aligners for 1 to 2 two weeks at a time. The aligners may only be removed to eat, drink, brush and floss. Your teeth will move slowly with each aligner, and visits to our office every 10-15 weeks.

The clear aligners make it super easy for teens to pop in and out on their own, no matter their age.

With either treatment, more crowded teeth take longer to straighten than minor crowding. The treatment time for braces and Invisalign Teen is typically the same. Compliance with wearing your clear aligners as instructed by your orthodontist factors into your treatment time. So, if you forget to wear your aligners or wear them less than recommended, treatment will take longer.

The answer is a resounding YES. Invisalign treatment is designed to be a permanent solution, but there is a small catch. Whether you correct your teeth with braces or Invisalign, there’s always the potential that teeth can shift back after treatment. So, it’s essential to wear your final retainers indefinitely while you sleep to prevent this treatment relapse.

The most significant negative for a teen is whether or not they will be responsible for or remember to wear their retainers. Will they remember to change to the next aligner every week, or misplace or lose them while eating and brushing (especially at school)? So, for the responsible teen, this can be a perfect solution. If not, then traditional braces will be the better solution and possible with clear brackets, which still gives them that clear look during treatment.

One nice benefit for teens, unlike traditional braces, is that there are NO food restrictions. Aligners are just removed while eating, so healthy chewy and sticky foods are here to stay as long as you brush and rinse prior to reinserting your Invisalign aligners.

With typical braces, emergency visits usually involve pokey wires and broken brackets. Not having metal braces or wires means there are fewer, if any, unplanned trips to our office.

The simple answer is no. Straightening teeth is complicated, and depending on your smile, using clear aligner treatment might not be the right solution to achieve the best possible results. During your initial consultation our doctors will determine your teen’s specific dental issues and determine if this treatment.

One of the best reasons to invest in clear aligners is how comfortable these aligners are to wear. Remember that your teeth are shifting into a new position, so you can expect to feel some mild discomfort as they move, especially with the first set of aligners. The pressure you will feel on your teeth when you first put on a new set of aligners will gradually fade over the course of a few days.

Caring for clear aligners couldn’t be easier. We recommend brushing your aligners with a mild soap or denture cleaner (such as Efferdent) every time you brush your teeth.

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